IMAP is not enabled for this Google Apps account

If you want to integrate with Intro using G Suite mail, you need to enable Post Office Protocol (POP) or Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) access in the G Suite admin console. 

You can enable access for everyone in your account or only for users in specific organizational units.

  1. In your Google Admin console (at
  2. Go to Apps > G Suite > Gmail > Advanced settings. Note: Depending on the version of G Suite you're using, these settings might be located in: Apps > G Suite > Settings for Gmail > End User Access.
  3. In the Organizations section, select the organizational unit you want to configure settings for.
  4. Next to POP and IMAP Access, check or uncheck the Disable POP and IMAP access for all users box.

If you check the box, POP and IMAP are fully disabled for all users in your domain.

If you uncheck the box, POP and IMAP using modern security standards is enabled and you can integrate with Intro. 

If you have any further questions, please ping us in the chat box or reach out to your Customer Success representative!