Search preview instructions

Search preview is a feature that allows you to see the search results for your selected targeting. Once we have gathered enough data from our sources, you will be able to see an estimated number of hits as well as a few of the best matches.

Job titles

Enter one job title at a time and then press enter. The filters (current or past, current etc) applies to all job titles.


Enter one location at a time and then press enter. Like with job titles, the filters applies to all locations. Make sure not to enter the same location multiple times, even if the spelling is different. For example, enter one of Gothenburg or Göteborg, but not both.


Enter one company at a time and then press enter. The filters (current or past, current etc) applies to all companies.


Enter one school at a time and then press enter.

Years of graduation

Enter the minimum and maximum years of graduation.


Enter keywords as a boolean expression. For example, "java and c++" will match candidates that know both java and c++. "(java and c++) or ruby" will match candidates that know java and c++ or just ruby.


Enter the minimum and maximum years of work experience. 30 years is the maximum and also includes experience of more than 30 years.